DISCLAIMER Guitar Studio, Drum Studio, Baustein Music

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Videos, guitar lessons, blog articles and other information may be displayed on other websites, only provided that the source “Guitar Studio Europe” is mentioned and with a link to “www.guitarstudio.be” – with every publication Guitar Studio (and Baustein, Song Studio, Drum Studio) must be informed via info@guitartrainingstudio.com so that we can follow this up. Use music (recordings) from Guitar Studio, Baustein or Song Studio must be requested for approval in advance.

Despite the constant care and attention paid to the composition of this site and the data contained therein, Guitar Studio (and Baustein, Song Studio, Drum Studio) cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy or continuous topicality of the data. Guitar Studio (and Baustein, Song Studio, Drum Studio) accepts no liability for direct or indirect damage, of whatever nature, arising from or in any way related to the use of the site. Guitar Studio (and Baustein, Song Studio, Drum Studio) is therefore not responsible for content errors or incorrect information, as well as errors made by the webmaster. If you find incorrect information or a problem or infringement due to copyright, Guitar Studio (and Baustein, Song Studio, Drum Studio) is not liable for this, but we are always happy to be informed so that we can rectify this.

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References to or hyperlinks to other websites are for the information of the user only. Guitar Studio (and Baustein, Song Studio, Drum Studio) therefore does not guarantee the accessibility and content of the websites concerned and accepts no liability whatsoever for the functioning of or for the information on these websites.